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Artist Painting a Mural

Featured Membership FAQ

Sell your products and get business tips and resources

What is the age limit to have an account on this website?

You must be 18 or older to have an account.

What is the Featured Member membership subscription?

SELL your products here and build a following with an empire! This membership allows you to sell your work in the forum page. What money you make is your own! Art Inspired Creations will not charge commission or take any money from your sales. This is great for artists looking for a community to grow with. It also has all the perks of the silver membership! This subscription only costs $1 a month!* The paid subscription is considered membership dues, it is for selling on our website; that is why we do NOT charge commission or listing fees. We charge by month. The monthly payment goes back into the website to help maintain and update it, we are a social media website for artists, crafters and small businesses; funded by our community. 

* Subject to change

What are the community rules and guidelines?

 Must be 18 or older to have an account
- NO selling of artwork without the purchase of a membership 
- NO explicit content of any kind, this includes speech, videos, pictures, artwork, etc. 
- NO bullying or hate speech
- NO selling of used clothes 
- NO claiming work as your own if it is not yours. Give due credit!
- If anyone is caught violating any of the rules listed above...your account will be dealt with properly. An account may be deleted or locked.

What are the payment options?

At this time Art Inspired Creations brand accepts debit or credit payments for memberships, sorry for the inconvenience. If you are a  featured member and sell your work, you may have your own method of payment via digital payments like: Paypal, Cashapp, or Zelle for example.  Art Inspired Creations does not charge listing fees or commission. Use what digital wallet you feel comfortable with.

What are the membership subscriptions for?

You don't need a silver membership subscription to buy from Art Inspired Creations or the featured members. Each membership subscription is catered to each individual's personal needs. If you want to be inspired? Try our project box subscription or silver membership to buy art and talk to artists. Want to sell your artwork? Try a featured membership. Want to be a featured member who gets a project box? Try our gold membership subscription.

I'm a featured member, how do I sell my art and handmade things?

Go to the forum, you will see a category that says 'sell/buy art' click on that. Then you should make a public post about the item you have for sale. Please be descriptive in what it is, the price, and the type of payment you have set up for example.  People who come on the forum to buy art should see your listing and be able to contact you about it. We do ask that you follow community rules and guidelines at all times to ensure the safety of others. There are no commission or listing fees taken out of your sale. Your money is your money!

​If I sell my artwork and handmade things on the website, does this mean we will be partners?

No. Art Inspired Creations is an online artist community that helps network artists, crafters, small businesses and art lovers come together.

I'm a featured member and someone bought something from me in the forum, how do I ship the order to them?

Unfortunately Art Inspired Creations does not offer a way to use shipping through us. However, after a customer buys something, process the order as you normally would. Go to the post office, UPS, FedEx etc, many have flat rate shipping boxes, or you can use your own. Once you send the order in the mail, they will give you a website and tracking number. Be sure to give the customer both so they may track the order. You can estimate shipping costs by asking the shipper the package weight or dimensions that you use for orders.

If I already have a website why create an account?

This is a community and here we can talk and network. Expanding your reach to more people, it helps with extra exposure. A free account lets you post events if they are small business or art themed. It allows you to talk in the community forum where you can network and talk to people.

Can I follow people like any other social media website?

Yes you can, we encourage it!

What information should I include in my bio or status update?
You should include any information you want. Or post any status you want. On everyone's profile on the left hand side there is a section called "forum posts", this includes all posts done by you. This is considered your page feed. 

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